Find a Federal or State tax credit program to reduce your cost of doing business and increase profitability.

Available Resources

  • Work Opportunity Tax Credit: This federal tax credit is available to businesses who hire and retain employees from various target groups that face significant barriers to employment.
  • Maryland Disability Employment Tax Credit: This tax credit allows businesses to claim a credit for employees with disabilities as specified by the Americans with Disabilities Act in order to enhance employment opportunities for the disabled workforce.
  • Hire Our Veterans Tax Credit: This program provides a State income tax credit to small businesses who hire qualified veterans. The credit is based on wages paid to those veteran employees.
  • Maryland Enterprise Zone Tax Credit: A tax credit is available to businesses located in an Enterprise Zone that hire employees to fill newly created jobs. Businesses located in a Focus Area may also qualify for enhanced credits.
  • More Jobs for Marylanders Incentive Program: To promote the growth of manufacturing in Maryland, tax incentives are available to both new and existing manufacturers that locate or expand their facilities in Maryland and create new jobs.
  • Maryland Hiring Agreements: Through state hiring agreements, job-seekers can apply for qualifying jobs offered by participating companies that operate under State procurement contracts before the employment announcements are made public.
  • On-the-Job Training Wage Reimbursements: Businesses who hire a qualified employee with a disability are eligible to be reimbursed by the Division of Rehabilitative Services for the employee’s wages while they receive professional training.