Congratulations, you’re almost there! To ensure your business’ success, we strongly suggest that you thoroughly review all of the information on this site and contact an attorney or professional advisor before officially registering your business. You must also have the following information available:

Business Checklist

These are the minimal requirements you will need to know in order to legally register your business with the state:

  • Maryland business location: You must know the address of your principal office location, which must be in Maryland and cannot be a P.O. Box.
  • Business name: You will need to select a name for your business that is not already in use.
  • Business type and structure Different entity types allow for different ownership and management structures. Corporations have the authority to issue shares of stock and set the value of each share. Make sure you have a good understanding of how you want your business to be structured before you actually register the business, and if you need more guidance you should contact an attorney, professional advisor, or one of these other organizations.
  • Resident agent: Most business entities will need to publicly identify a resident agent. This is an individual or entity that is designated to accept service of process if the entity is summoned to court for any reason. The resident agent must be either an adult citizen of Maryland, a Maryland corporation, or a Maryland LLC. An LLC cannot act as its own resident agent.

If you are now ready to start your business, visit Start your business!