Use the business search tool in Maryland Business Express to make sure your business name is available.

What's in a Name?

Picking a name for your business requires much more than just creativity and a working knowledge of your target market. Consider state and local requirements, making sure you don't infringe upon the rights of someone else's business name. You should also confirm that name is available for use in Maryland.

Maryland Business Express’ Business Name Search allows you to search existing Maryland businesses, so you should first make sure that your name is not taken. If you have thought of the perfect name for your business but are not yet ready to register it, you can reserve the name by completing this form.

If your business is already set up and you would like to reserve another name to “do business as,” click here to Register a Trade Name. You must provide the Department ID of the business that will use the Trade Name you wish to register.

In addition to a name, you may also want to register a trademark for your business. A trademark is a unique graphic symbol or logo associated with a business, which distinguishes it from another business or person.